
Welcome to Pleroma International
A ministry of Dr John & Holly Roddam

Since 1995, the cry in the church has been "more Lord!" Jesus said He came that we might have life andhave it abundantly (John 10:10). Pleroma is a Greek word which means FULLNESS.We want to see the Bride of Christ / the Body of Christ mature into the fullness that God has for her - to display the fullness of the character of Jesus, and to walk in the full power of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.

Our ministry is to the body to equip, train, and encourage Christians to grow up into the head, which is Jesus.


Our Vision: A description of our ministry 
After 30 years of pastoral ministry, John & Holly have a clear picture of their gifts and calling to foster a Kingdom mandate. Their desire is to see church leaders encouraged and equipped to better lead their people into maturity, obey the great commission to go and make disciples, and fulfill Jesus' words that we would do even greater things than He did while He was on earth. The goal is to see Christians grow up and step into their destinies, bringing glory and honor to God, and advancing His Kingdom on earth. 

John and Holly have returned to Eastern Canada with a burden for the Maritime Region. They carry a particular burden for the Halifax Regional Metropolitan area, especially for the original City Core. 


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