I have known John Roddam personally and collegially for many years. He is a leader that has shown immense passion for the ministry of the Body of Christ. His competence, personal integrity, moral and ethical standards have proven his ability to equip the Body of Christ with a standard that is highly effective, challenging, and uncompromising. His intuitive manner for being able to contextualize the message of the Kingdom of God into a contemporary setting is in itself a testimony to his call as an Apostle, a Pastor, and a Teacher. He is both a theologian and a proven practitioner of pastoral ministry, and one who personally models a life in Christ that is endearing and genuine, and who develops enthusiasm and vision in the lives of others. He is a visionary that is willing to walk with those he leads, one who translates vision into genuine transforming of lives and society. I heartily commend The Rev’d. Dr. John Roddam as a peer, a leader, a friend, one who has been called as a leader for a time such as this.
John Roddam has always inspired those around him with his commitment to virtue. One of the greatest talents John Roddam has been given is to serve as a mediator between diverse people and diverse groups. He has a knack of bringing different people together. The greatest impression that he made on me is his insistence of carrying the cross of Jesus Christ. He insists on teaching the cross, bearing the cross, utilizing the cross of Christ. I have never heard John complain about any of his own personal crosses. John is to be trusted with matters of the soul.
Kenneth M McEahern, ThD Board Certified Clinical Chaplain Hickory, NC
I have seen John in a numerous ministry settings and the amazing thing about the way he ministers, is he listens to the Father and gets to the root of what God is doing and then in a very subtle way draws that out so that everyone is able to respond. He is also very committed to helping individuals come into their calling and will offer many suggestions to spur them on and encourage them in that direction. He also, where possible invites those people into situations where they can function in their gifting, I am one of those people and know what a blessing he is to the body. He is very much a facilitator of what the Holy Spirit is doing in any meeting, he isn't interested in his own agenda. Instead, he is always focused on the Holy Spirit's agenda.
Over the years that I have known John Roddam, he has consistently exhibited a large concern for the whole Body of Christ no matter what denomination people belonged to. He is a gatherer, a teacher, and a sponsor of gracious unity among believers.
And when Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, and did not believe that he was a disciple. But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. And he declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that He had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus. (Acts 9:26-27 NKJV)
Acts 9:26-27 comes to mind immediately as we consider one of the ministerial functions John Roddam excels in; he is a facilitator of unity and honor among the brethren. As a father in the faith, John has consistently encouraged and provided opportunities for those called into ministry who may be of the younger generation, of the cadre of nameless/faceless called ones, or others whom the church world at large may easily overlook as having true and viable ministries. What would have happened had Barnabas not spoken up for Saul? John has an awesome legacy of speaking up for and acknowledging the grace, gifting, and calling of God upon the members of His Body at large.
Tony & Irene Fournier Apostolic Overseers: Lion’s Roar Ministries (Seattle, WA) www.LionsRoar.org
John Roddam is a father in the faith. He carries what some have called a horizontal apostolic mantle. He is unusually gifted at connecting ministries and building bridges between diverse parts of the Body of Christ. He delights to help people move in their gifts and is quite sensitive to the moving of the Holy Spirit. John is theologically sharp and aware of the various schools of thought in the world of theology.
I have known John Roddam at the time he was serving in an associate capacity at St. David's Anglican Church in the Tsawwassen area of British Columbia, Canada - during the mid 90's. My wife and I spoke for him at a midweek service which he chaired. We both noted his unusual gifts in chairing a difficult type of service.
Later we ministered for him at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Seattle for which he was Rector, and again were impressed with his “overseeing” abilities. He also serves in the spirit of Barnabas of NT times, bringing key people together for effective corporate ministry. He challenged my wife and myself to let him chair a 10-segment DVD Interview to document our part in a Canadian Revival, covering both the pros and cons of this Visitation. Many copies have gone forth from this interview. In the light of the above, I can warmly recommend his gifts and ministry, having seen them in operation many times over the last decade and a half.
James A. Watt (Last Living Elder of 1948 Latter Rain Revival) |
John Roddam is a wonderful example of a servant leader who has a huge heart to see the whole body of Christ connected and working with one another in honor. Our Father has uniquely gifted him and given him a broad range of experience across the body of Christ that few have. His revelatory gifts enable him to see the strategic big picture in a city and region while simultaneously being sensitive to Holy Spirit’s working in each individual. I have watched John facilitate, administrate, and collaborate with other leaders in my state to connect the body as one. He is skillful yet sensitive and he never claims anything as his own and is constantly giving away love, honor and influence. Combining these qualities, experience and education and we find ourselves graced with a man who is a living example of a loving wise father in the Lord.
John Roddam has a wonderful Father's heart for people and the body of Christ. He has an awesome pulpit presence. Furthermore John has a very deep understanding of the Scriptures and can minister pastorally and in a teaching context with a strong apostolic and prophetic edge. His knowledge of spiritual warfare is at a high level and carries an historical perspective that communicates a mature message to a contemporary move of the Holy Spirit. He is an asset in any number of ministry and teaching situations. Alan Ross Prophet from Edinburgh, Scotland www.alanross.org.uk
Dr. John Roddam has a sound theological foundation that is accompanied by a passion to move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. John is gifted on many fronts; all of which he uses most effectively. He has a marvelous capacity to connect people to their calling and to one another in meaningful strategic relationships. I have observed that Dr. Roddam has a keen mind and a humble heart. He excels in blessing others as he carries himself with a humble and Christ-like spirit.
Holly is equally a person with a heart for God’s work and the ministry to others. Together as a team they are most effective in leading gatherings representing various stripes and nuances among today’s broader church.. Prayer, is a vital part of Dr. Roddams ministry. God is using him to bring the church together across denominational lines. Dr. Roddam carries a vision to see revival that will impact regional, city and national spheres.
Dr. George Johnson Senior Pastor: Harvest City Church, Vancouver, BC, Chair: Canadian Coalition of Apostles www.harvestcitychurch.com
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