
Welcome to Pleroma International
A ministry of Dr John & Holly Roddam

Since 1995, the cry in the church has been "more Lord!" Jesus said He came that we might have life andhave it abundantly (John 10:10). Pleroma is a Greek word which means FULLNESS.We want to see the Bride of Christ / the Body of Christ mature into the fullness that God has for her - to display the fullness of the character of Jesus, and to walk in the full power of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.

Our ministry is to the body to equip, train, and encourage Christians to grow up into the head, which is Jesus.

About us

 Who we Are: The Roddam Clan

The Reverend Dr. John WR Roddam was born and grew up in Nova Scotia, Canada. After graduating with honors from Pictou Academy, he attended Acadia University in Wolfville, NS where he earned a B.Sc., majoring in Chemistry. John's conversion came in 1978 and he immediately felt a call to ministry. After earning an M.Div. from Acadia Divinity College, John studied at SCUPE (Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education) in Chicago. He later received a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, CA.

John served 4 Anglican parishes in Canada (1983 - 2000) where he ministered in rural, town, and urban settings. Most recently, John served as pastor of St Luke's, Seattle, the home of the Charismatic Renewal Movement (2000 to 2010). After organizing the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of this Move of God, John was released by the Lord to do a "new thing".

Holly (White) Roddam comes from a musical family in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and has been in leadership in the church since she was 16. Having worked with youth in the Baptist church for 10 years, and serving on the National Board of the Canadian Baptist Convention for 4 years, Holly married John, and began to work within the Anglican Church. Together, with Holly's family, they gave Christian music concerts around the Maritime Provinces until their move to the West Coast in 1994. Holly has served mainly in worship and teaching. She has led worship teams for most of her married life, and has taught the Teacher's Training Course for the Bethel Bible Series in 3 of their 4 Canadian parishes.

Recently, Holly has become a published author of a children's book, and believes that children are never too young to learn about Jesus and the importance of knowing and living for Him. Her books seek to help children understand how to walk out the Christian life from childhood to adulthood.


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